Next Friday Feb 1st you have homework due and your first quiz. The homework is posted under “Homework.” The material on the first quiz is posted under “Quizzes” (both on menu upper right). Look at the material and make a study plan.
The quiz will take the full class. Arrangements for extra time, if applicable, should be made ASAP.
Today in class, we worked on a worksheet, which is available for you under “Lectures” in the menu to the upper right. There is a typo corrected noted there; please make this correction on your copy. (Reminder: Lectures has info relevant to each lecture, including further reading, copies of handouts, etc. It will be updated frequently.).
We discussed/completed pages 1-3 of the worksheet in class (at least). Please continue on to finish page 4 in advance of Monday’s lecture. In class, I suggested you skip the proof writing and concentrate on the rest of it. Now, please write the two proofs requested on pages 2 and 4. You may wish to print out a fresh copy and write neatly so you can have this as a reference later (in case your copy from class was messy.)
Students responded to the Homework Hour poll and based on that and other feedback, I hereby declare 5 pm Mondays and 4 pm Thursdays in Gemmill a Math 3110 homework hour, where you can meet others who may be interested in collaborating on homework. (Let me know if this turns out to be useful.) I’m putting this info on the “Course Info” page.
Some students took an interest in Sage; you can find getting-started info and resources on the “Resources” page. You have access to Sage using your identikey. We will do more with this later.