Office hours Thursday are 3 pm instead of 2 pm. I may be slightly late, and I may have to end early. But I’ll try to make it a full hour (I have several student defenses that day, so it’s very busy).
Friday in class we will begin by doing Section 4/5 in pairs. If you completed Section 4 on Wednesday, I’ll have a challenge task for you, so expect something fun.
Please complete the Discrete Log Quiz on canvas, associated to our recent material. This is a quick concept check.
On Friday at 4 pm, James Grime (who does Numberphile) is giving a talk on “Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine” (click for poster). This is not one to be missed! It’s going to be really fun, and it is very relevant to our class. If you would like to earn a little extra credit toward the “Daily Tasks” portion of your grade, please attend this talk and there will be a quick canvas quiz on it open during the talk. There’s pizza and stuff afterward.